Lou and Elle Name Story

I'VE MOVED TO ETSY!  I now exclusively sell on Etsy.  Search 'LouandElle' on Etsy and find me there.  OR, here's a link to my Etsy shop:  https://www.etsy.com/shop/LouandElle


Hello all!

This is my first blog post!

So, I've had several people ask about the name of my new site.  And yes, although it sounds random, I did put alot of thought into it and I decided to make it my first entry.

If you haven't discovered just yet, my new website is called Lou and Elle.

Nine years ago on June 4th my beautiful daughter, Lexi, was born.  Of course, like all parents we thought, "She's gorgeous!"  And we look back at the new born pics and she looks like a mini "Pedro" from Napoleon Dynamite.  But, you know how it is, she was a beautiful baby.  Our first night in the hospital with our new addition my husband couldn't peel his eyes off of this brand new person.  And, as he tends to do, he randomly struck a diddy, "I love you, Lexi Lou".  And it stuck.  Her nickname would be "Lou".


The rest of the story is pretty simple.  My next little girl is named Aubri Elle Richard with no apparent nickname just yet.  Although we tend to say, "What are we going to do with that girl?" quite often.  She's is definitely my little drama queen x10!


Need I say more!!!

Thus the name, Lou and Elle.

It just seemed to work out perfect with my design style.  The name "Lou" may bring to mind ideas of the ordinary, simple or overlooked.  "Elle", well, I can't think of the name without conjuring thoughts of classic well-refined style.  The two seem opposite, but is exactly the kind of art I really enjoy.  Overlaying the rough texture of barn wood with a fresh coat of paint and patterns and watching it come back to life.  Or maybe taking a timeless symbol as the Fleur de Lis and seeing it resurrect all over again in the dramatic edges and colors blended with a pallet knife on stretched canvas.

It's casual yet classic.  Simple and beautiful.  And, It would look great on your wall too!! (had to throw that in)

So to whomever has read this far for the freebies...I've been there done that!  Maybe you scrolled down to the freebies and haven't read any of my rambles...at any rate, here they are!  And thank you for coming!  If you download freebie, please, comment!  Stay tuned, I'll be posting often.  Will try and run through some tutorials.  Comment if there is something you would like to know about.

Thanks for coming by!!  KIM

Here's the freebie!  It's a cute name print for your little girls room!  Enjoy!  http://www.louandelle.com/product/free-download-burlap-flower-print-8x10





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