My Plant Obsession

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     You may be wondering how you have found yourself reading an art blog about PLANTS!?  And frankly, I may be slightly wondering that myself.  But recently, I have found a new love for gardening.  Up until about 5 years ago I haven't had the best luck with creatures of the plant-kind.  For some reason I could just never get them to stay alive!  I concluded that the "plant life" was not for me. 

When I moved into my new home, my yard was in desperate need of some TLC.  We worked pretty hard to get it up to speed. Once the landscape was done I was proud of my work, and it looked amazing if I must say-so myself.  The only problem was keeping the plants alive.  So, with plenty of trial, error and Miracle Grow I can proudly say years later my plants have been through floods and hurricanes and (mostly) still look pretty good. That was where my plant obsession began.  Now it has spread indoors with 14 plants and counting.  My family calls me crazy but I just keep adding to my growing collection (cannot resist the plant puns)! 


    Something as simple as taking care of plants has brought me so much joy!  It might sound silly but this new found hobby is an addition to my everyday routine and it is so much fun!  They are my babies.  There may be some cause for concern when I talk to my babies, not that I do that (haha).  Now any time I go to the store with my kids and say “we're just getting paint,” they reply, "...and a plant?!" 



       If you are in search of a new hobby I highly suggest getting a couple of house plants. Start off small and if you like it get another!  And if you love it and end up like me, get 14!  Like me, you may have some casualties along the way.  I am an artist and I wasn't born with a green thumb.  But with every mishap I've learned how to better care for each plant. 

So, bringing it all together, had I not branched out (haha) into something new, I would not know the enjoyment I now have today seeing my plants grow.  Maybe I have inspired you today.  Maybe you do go and get a few new house plants and give it a go.  And if you don't have a green thumb, try something else.  Pick up reading, get a gym membership, learn how to sew, try bullet journaling, learn a new recipe, start a blog, paint a painting!  I guess the point is you never really know unless you try.  You are the only one who can limit your creativity!  Let this be your call to action to try something new, have some fun, and get creative with it!



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